Statistics & Research about Westbury,NY - Brooks Waterburn Corp

Here are some statistics & research about Westbury,NY an area served by Brooks Waterburn Corp

Phone : 516-997-9800

Real estate research for area nearby Brooks Waterburn Corp

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Paramus 564,100 1691 3.6
Bogota 346,400 1171 4.1
Bronx County 380,900 1000 3.2
Port Washington North 772,600 1794 2.8
Scarsdale 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Port Jefferson Station 356,500 1475 5.0
Armonk 883,900 1736 2.4
Teaneck 407,800 1243 3.7
North Arlington 369,000 1184 3.9
Islip Terrace 376,100 1767 5.6

Number of whites in places near by Brooks Waterburn Corp

Place name Number of whites
Paramus 18944
Bogota 5319
Bronx County 312055
Port Washington North 2621
Scarsdale 14087
Port Jefferson Station 7881
Armonk 4057
Teaneck 21222
North Arlington 13229
Islip Terrace 4847
Palisades Park 7553
Albertson 3856
Rye 26956
East Rutherford 6170
Stony Brook 11976

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Brooks Waterburn Corp

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Paramus 1223
Bogota 361
Bronx County 174340
Port Washington North 140
Scarsdale 284
Port Jefferson Station 564
Armonk 135
Teaneck 2160
North Arlington 2372
Islip Terrace 222
Palisades Park 2490
Albertson 206
Rye 5079
East Rutherford 1465
Stony Brook 593

Number of vacant houses in places near by Brooks Waterburn Corp

Place name Number of vacant houses
Paramus 287
Bogota 68
Bronx County 39139
Port Washington North 29
Scarsdale 172
Port Jefferson Station 127
Armonk 104
Teaneck 840
North Arlington 427
Islip Terrace 156
Palisades Park 534
Albertson 33
Rye 1032
East Rutherford 206
Stony Brook 199

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Brooks Waterburn Corp

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Paramus 731200
Bronx County 391600
Scarsdale 1000001
Port Jefferson Station 361800
Armonk 1000001
Teaneck 397900
North Arlington 350000
Islip Terrace 562500
Palisades Park 638700
Albertson 618400
Rye 825200
East Rutherford 474400
Stony Brook 688600