Statistics & Research about East Hampton,NY - Dayton Ritz & Osborne

Here are some statistics & research about East Hampton,NY an area served by Dayton Ritz & Osborne

Phone : 631-324-0420

Real estate research for area nearby Dayton Ritz & Osborne

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Mattituck 476,200 1655 4.2
Old Saybrook 401,800 1524 4.6
Bridgehampton 1,000,001 1171 1.4
Jamesport 451,100 1308 3.5
Chester 293,600 1143 4.7
East Marion 517,000 1607 3.7
New London County 260,600 999 4.6
Wainscott 1,000,001 1676 2.0
Salem 314,200 1088 4.2
Westbrook Center 332,600 923 3.3

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Dayton Ritz & Osborne

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Mattituck 661
Old Saybrook 1057
Bridgehampton 219
Jamesport 273
Chester 585
East Marion 137
New London County 33284
Wainscott 120
Salem 312
Westbrook Center 317
North Sea 382
New Shoreham 316
Northville 192
Westbrook 963

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Dayton Ritz & Osborne

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Mattituck 134
Old Saybrook 269
Bridgehampton 45
Jamesport 45
Chester 311
East Marion 27
New London County 13404
Wainscott 55
Salem 157
Westbrook Center 244
North Sea 193
New Shoreham 146
Westbrook 446

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Dayton Ritz & Osborne

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Mattituck 700000
Old Saybrook 434400
Bridgehampton 1000001
Jamesport 425300
Chester 336300
East Marion 492200
New London County 271700
Wainscott 1000001
Salem 327000
Westbrook Center 333300
North Sea 840600
New Shoreham 1000001
Northville 1000001
Westbrook 413800

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Dayton Ritz & Osborne

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Mattituck 716700
Old Saybrook 679500
Bridgehampton 927100
Chester 729200
East Marion 585400
New London County 361600
Wainscott 1000001
Salem 445500
Westbrook Center 58300
North Sea 859700
New Shoreham 172500
Northville 471800
Westbrook 384000