Statistics & Research about Bellmore,NY - Gerrato Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Bellmore,NY an area served by Gerrato Agency Inc

Phone : 516-826-3666

Real estate research for area nearby Gerrato Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Brookville 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Locust Valley 586,900 2001 4.1
Greenwich 1,000,001 1754 2.1
Alpine 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Holbrook 375,200 1673 5.4
Lindenhurst 361,600 1490 4.9
Old Greenwich 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Carle Place 492,600 1423 3.5
Glenwood Landing 641,400 1875 3.5
East Hills 912500 NA NA

Number of whites in places near by Gerrato Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Brookville 2875
Locust Valley 3066
Greenwich 52746
Alpine 1418
Holbrook 24720
Lindenhurst 25378
Old Greenwich 5959
Carle Place 4409
Glenwood Landing 3446
East Hills 6269
Pemberwick 3480
Fairview 9804
Huntington 174789
Bay Shore 16639
Old Bethpage 5114

Number of old houses in places near by Gerrato Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Brookville 1000001
Locust Valley 559300
Greenwich 1000001
Alpine 846200
Holbrook 343000
Lindenhurst 344400
Old Greenwich 1000001
Carle Place 591300
Glenwood Landing 614300
East Hills 537500
Pemberwick 735000
Fairview 377100
Huntington 477300
Bay Shore 340400
Old Bethpage 380600

Number of vacant houses in places near by Gerrato Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Brookville 75
Locust Valley 76
Greenwich 1965
Alpine 72
Holbrook 268
Lindenhurst 830
Old Greenwich 103
Carle Place 28
East Hills 54
Pemberwick 74
Fairview 337
Huntington 2735
Bay Shore 545
Old Bethpage 73

Number of new houses in places near by Gerrato Agency Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Brookville 1000001
Greenwich 1000001
Old Greenwich 1000001
East Hills 1000001
Huntington 812500