Statistics & Research about Patchogue,NY - Mrw Group Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Patchogue,NY an area served by Mrw Group Inc

Phone : 631-475-6000

Real estate research for area nearby Mrw Group Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Massapequa Park 455,300 1223 3.2
Mattituck 476,200 1655 4.2
Babylon 363,200 1451 4.8
Hicksville 415,900 1614 4.7
Kings Park 439,200 1308 3.6
Dix Hills 718,600 1448 2.4
Brentwood 307,500 1319 5.1
Centereach 355,300 2001 6.8
Merrick 536,800 1500 3.4
Brightwaters 529,800 1362 3.1

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Mrw Group Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Massapequa Park 2550
Mattituck 1136
Babylon 26969
Hicksville 6567
Kings Park 2523
Dix Hills 2048
Brentwood 5944
Centereach 4346
Merrick 2814
Brightwaters 410
Old Bethpage 917
Aquebogue 661
Farmingville 2305
Amityville 1222
Old Field 86

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Mrw Group Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Massapequa Park 535100
Mattituck 700000
Babylon 377500
Hicksville 494800
Kings Park 470200
Dix Hills 728800
Brentwood 332700
Centereach 382800
Merrick 565600
Brightwaters 513900
Aquebogue 374300
Farmingville 356600
Amityville 400000
Old Field 1000001

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Mrw Group Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Massapequa Park 519
Mattituck 154
Babylon 7220
Hicksville 1142
Kings Park 529
Dix Hills 2012
Brentwood 2200
Centereach 1300
Merrick 928
Brightwaters 138
Old Bethpage 142
Aquebogue 84
Farmingville 574
Amityville 211
Old Field 143

Number of new houses in places near by Mrw Group Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Babylon 386400