Statistics & Research about Babylon,NY - Norton & Siegel

Here are some statistics & research about Babylon,NY an area served by Norton & Siegel

2 East Main Street
Phone : (631)328-2225

Real estate research for area nearby Norton & Siegel

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Levittown 375,700 1883 6.0
Massapequa Park 455,300 1223 3.2
Blue Point 413,900 1765 5.1
Central Islip 292,900 1370 5.6
Lakeview 370,800 2001 6.5
South Floral Park 419,700 1875 5.4
Manhasset 915,200 1052 1.4
Head of the Harbor 1,000,001 2001 2.4
East Hills 912500 NA NA
Mastic Beach 224,900 1771 9.4

Number of whites in places near by Norton & Siegel

Place name Number of whites
Levittown 47477
Massapequa Park 16424
Blue Point 4411
Central Islip 19732
Lakeview 316
South Floral Park 244
Manhasset 5966
Head of the Harbor 1361
East Hills 6269
Mastic Beach 13000
Medford 21738
Brookville 2875
North Wantagh 11051
Lido Beach 2646
Gordon Heights 1167

Number of vacant houses in places near by Norton & Siegel

Place name Number of vacant houses
Levittown 327
Massapequa Park 103
Blue Point 73
Central Islip 621
Lakeview 42
South Floral Park 17
Manhasset 254
Head of the Harbor 68
East Hills 54
Mastic Beach 760
Medford 377
Brookville 75
North Wantagh 131
Lido Beach 140
Gordon Heights 85

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Norton & Siegel

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Levittown 1989
Massapequa Park 519
Blue Point 104
Central Islip 1382
Lakeview 220
South Floral Park 84
Manhasset 198
Head of the Harbor 144
East Hills 738
Mastic Beach 256
Medford 937
Brookville 473
North Wantagh 323
Lido Beach 182
Gordon Heights 90

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Norton & Siegel

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Levittown 722
Massapequa Park 76
Blue Point 67
Central Islip 1100
Lakeview 9
South Floral Park 35
Manhasset 251
Head of the Harbor 20
Mastic Beach 172
Medford 624
Brookville 3
North Wantagh 169
Lido Beach 123
Gordon Heights 53