Statistics & Research about Seaford,NY - Thomas B Corsitto Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Seaford,NY an area served by Thomas B Corsitto Inc

3904 Merrick Rd

Car dealers nearby Thomas B Corsitto Inc

Massapequa Nissan

Phone: 888-431-4615
url: http://massapequanissan.comdefault.aspx

Real estate research for area nearby Thomas B Corsitto Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Bellerose Terrace 415,300 1635 4.7
Hewlett Neck 1000001 NA NA
Plandome 1,000,001 1688 2.0
Kings Point 1,000,001 902 1.1
West Sayville 408,600 1224 3.6
Atlantic Beach 775,500 1391 2.2
Huntington 535,500 1468 3.3
Bellmore 479,200 1729 4.3
Coram 327,700 1592 5.8
Kensington 1,000,001 1938 2.3

Number of vacant houses in places near by Thomas B Corsitto Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Bellerose Terrace 23
Hewlett Neck 3
Plandome 4
Kings Point 103
West Sayville 484
Atlantic Beach 196
Huntington 2735
Bellmore 153
Coram 721
Kensington 58
Norwalk 2240
Lake Ronkonkoma 213
Elmont 532
Lynbrook 548

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Thomas B Corsitto Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Hewlett Neck 1000001
Plandome 1000001
Kings Point 1000001
West Sayville 377800
Atlantic Beach 1000001
Huntington 789300
Bellmore 625000
Coram 389000
Kensington 1000001
Norwalk 529900
Lake Ronkonkoma 448100
Elmont 411200
Lynbrook 451400

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Thomas B Corsitto Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Bellerose Terrace 3
Hewlett Neck 59
Plandome 160
Kings Point 630
West Sayville 135
Atlantic Beach 176
Huntington 8781
Bellmore 371
Coram 669
Kensington 141
Norwalk 1800
Lake Ronkonkoma 437
Sea Cliff 178
Elmont 1319
Lynbrook 518

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Thomas B Corsitto Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Bellerose Terrace 49
Plandome 4
West Sayville 168
Atlantic Beach 17
Huntington 4144
Bellmore 332
Coram 2454
Kensington 47
Norwalk 8385
Lake Ronkonkoma 842
Sea Cliff 257
Elmont 597
Lynbrook 1068