Statistics & Research about Nesconset,NY - Three Village Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Nesconset,NY an area served by Three Village Agency Inc

Phone : 631-981-8844

Real estate research for area nearby Three Village Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hempstead 434,100 1410 3.9
Manorhaven 567,200 2001 4.2
Woodmont 380,900 1440 4.5
Roslyn Estates 1,000,001 1857 2.2
North Lindenhurst 352,500 1369 4.7
Poquott 667,700 1580 2.8
Wilton Center 417,100 893 2.6
North Babylon 355,600 1689 5.7
Westbury 440,900 1445 3.9
East Williston 777,200 2001 3.1

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Three Village Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Hempstead 21790
Manorhaven 304
Woodmont 98
North Lindenhurst 502
Poquott 14
Wilton Center 222
North Babylon 614
Westbury 726
East Williston 7
Bayville 185
North Patchogue 128
Glenville 26
Massapequa Park 76

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Three Village Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Hempstead 444600
Manorhaven 838100
Woodmont 265000
Roslyn Estates 1000001
North Lindenhurst 333800
Poquott 951900
Wilton Center 342900
North Babylon 325800
Westbury 343100
Bayville 829500
Searingtown 897100
North Patchogue 425300
Glenville 850400
Massapequa Park 535100

Number of vacant houses in places near by Three Village Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Hempstead 12846
Manorhaven 215
Woodmont 97
North Lindenhurst 162
Poquott 32
Wilton Center 27
North Babylon 251
Westbury 271
East Williston 20
Bayville 194
Searingtown 114
North Patchogue 54
Glenville 128
Massapequa Park 103

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Three Village Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Hempstead 474600
Manorhaven 570100
Woodmont 275000
Roslyn Estates 929700
North Lindenhurst 360800
Poquott 473100
North Babylon 360000
Westbury 471400
East Williston 704500
Bayville 632600
Searingtown 797100
North Patchogue 303800
Glenville 786500
Massapequa Park 505600